Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Basic Foundations Week 12 - Walks with Different Weights Review

Here is my progress reel for Class 1! This is the compilation of all my work from the course. Enjoy!

Basic Foundations Week 11 - Exaggeration and Weight

This weeks assignment was to take our personality walk from the blocking stage to a polished final stage. This requires adding in the subtle nuances that will make the animation smooth and flow correctly.

The sketchbook assignment emotion for this week was BALANCE. Here are my planning sketches for the Stu pose. Check Stu out below:

Basic Foundations Week 10 - Introduction to Walks with Character

This weeks assignment was to take what we learned from the vanilla walk cycle series and create a walk with some personality to it. I decided to make my walk into more of a skip to demonstrate the characters excitement. Below is the blocking phase of my work:

Planning thumbnails for the personality walk:

I continued to revise last weeks shot and polish some minor things:

The sketchbook assignment emotion for this week was EXHAUSTED. Here are my planning sketches for the Stu pose. Check Stu out below:

I also did a revision of last weeks pose to make it stronger:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Basic Foundations Week 9 - Human Anatomy for Animators

Working from the Blocking stage...this week I worked to Refine/Polish my Vanilla Walk Cycle:

Here is another revision of the Tailor assignment.

The sketchbook assignment emotion for this week was CONCERN. Here are my planning sketches for the Stu pose. Check Stu out below:

Basic Foundations Week 8 - Introduction to Walks

This week we were to establish the blocking of our walk cycle animation. Here it is:

Here is a revision of last weeks Tailor assignment. My mentor advised to eliminate the pendulum and focus on Tailor. 

This week the focus is on learning the intricacies of the walk cycle. Majority of walk cycle follow the same format of having a contact key, extreme down, breakdown key, extreme high, and back to the contact key. Below is my planning for the walk cycle:

The sketchbook assignment emotion for this week was PHYSICAL STRENGTH. Here are my planning sketches for the Stu pose.Check Stu out below:

Basic Foundation Week 7 - Walk Through of Splining

This weeks assignment was a lot of fun and very challenging at the same time. Here is a my first pass at the assignment.

Below is a revision of last weeks assignment...the pendulum swing. I was able to re-do the drag on the pendulum at the beginning and fix the path of the impact swing. Also, I made some amendments to the how many passes were on the final swing. 

The sketchbook assignment for this week was to plan an animation of the Tailor rig. Tailor is very similar to a squirrel and was meant to help further drive home the principle of overlapping action. Here are my planning sketches for Tailor. Check it out below:

Basic Foundations Week 6 - Overlapping Action

For this weeks assignment we were to get a firm understanding of the concept of overlapping action. Basically, when an object moves...not all portions of it move at the same time because that would look robotic. Thus, overlapping action is very important to making an animation look realistic and flow. 

This week I also did a revision on my obstacle course. I changed the ended to make it more realistic and to avoid the awkward back and forth ending. 

The sketchbook assignment for this week was to plan a simple animation of a pendulum. Here are my planning sketches for the pendulum. I decided to do  a very simple animation this week in order to grasp the concept of overlapping action. Check it out below: